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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

179. "Do good deeds and let others to do the Same.Be Human."

Only 1 MInute.
Think,Learn and Share.
 This is very important message ,which we need to spread as we can.
Today the topic of my article is

"Do good deeds and let others to do the Same.Be Human."

Humanity: Waiter at a restaurant buys food and feeds disabled beggar with his own hands.
Firstly I salute this person who is doing this good work .May Allah bless him .Ameen.

This picture give us a Lesson that we have to look after the poor peoples with out discriminating them because Allah will not ask you about your degrees and money But definately ask about the deeds which we did in our life span.

I hope that you all will join me in spreading this message and start doing this good work .This will reward you alot.Believe me.

If we all start thinking about Poor families in our surroundings,Who is it possible that poverty will not be eliminated from our country.
Eliminating Poverty is not a big problem but we donot want to think.
If seriously we will start thinking and helping them,definately it will be the revolution in the society.

Join me in spreading this message.
Hope for the best.

You can join me on my blog
 Join me on my Facebook Page also.

Furqan Ali khan.

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