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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Is this Development or Suicide for Poors?

Only 1 MInute.
In the past,I wrote an articles on the laptop scheme.I am not against this scheme or development but the main point at time i share with you all was that what is the benefit to the poors and middle class of these laptops.No electricity,NO internet Facility and so many more.I think that firstly prority is to give a proper facilities to the Poors peoples. We deflect the Issue of poverty to the Laptops.
Poors are Suiciding every day.I think that motive of Rulers are to eliminate the Poor people by these means Suicides,Automatically the poverty will be over. We donot have a clean water to drink but CM is distributing the Laptops.
This is humble request to Khaadim e Aala CM Sahbaz Shareef Sahib
Please for GOD SAKE do something for these peoples,
how can you ignored them?
Hazrat Umer (ra) ne farmaya tha k mere daur e hakoomat me neel k kinary agar koi kutta b bhooka pyasa mar gaya to muj se pooch hogi roz e hashar.
This suicide is just one example in Pakistan, daily so many peoples doing suicide.
due to poverty , unemployment, injustice,
They want basic rights and basic facilities for life,
They Don,t want laptops of 12 Million rupee , carpeted roads of 70 Million rupee,yellow cabs,and wastage of money on youth festivals ,With this all money that put on these projects,
Thousands of poor families can upgrade their live Standard.
With this money you can upgrade Government schools,Letting them reconstruct or repair the Class rooms.Go and visit them and give them a Basic facilities for God Sake ,I donot know that how you can say them self a Leaders.
Shame on You and also to the other Politicians.
Instead of Developing we are Going toward destruction.
Please take a review of your Short comings and Please make these problems Solve.
I know that Thousand of peoples are already writing and sending you a messages ,but no action still.May be you also want to put on the Government.
All are Corrupt.Try to change please.
You can join me on my Facebook page also
Furqan Ali Khan.

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