187. Stop this brutal act and Save the society from this Curse.
Only 1 Minute. Think,Learn and Share.
Must Share.
Today the topic of my article is
"Stop this brutal act and Save the society from this Curse."
In one of the most heartbreaking photos from Iran, Somayeh Mehri and her 3 year old daughter Rana are depicted here- victims of a brutal acid attack from her own husband as punishment for attempting to divorce him. In addition to the severe burns and disfigurement, Somayeh was blinded, and Rana lost one of her eyes.
Even after such an utterly disgusting misogynistic attack from a coward not fit to be called a man, this picture shows a soft tender bond shared between Somayeh and Rana- that all of the physical, mental, and emotional pain of this world can never supersede a mother's undying love.
A person's beauty is two-fold; their external physical radiance, and more importantly the beauty of their inner character. When you look at Somayeh, ask yourself where beauty truly lies- that behind a burned, disfigured face is a mother filled with love and mercy, and beyond the pristine face of her husband is an ugly, detestable, wretched creature.
Men may try to mock, judge, and ruin a woman's external beauty- but they cannot comprehend, let alone take away the mercy of a mother, and the beautiful character of a muslimah.
This post is for those societies and Men who bravely said that they are doing this brutail activity of acid burning. Must share.
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