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Friday, April 5, 2013

185. "Say No to Dowry,THe curse in our Society."

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Think,Learn and Share.
Today the topic of my Article is
"Say No to Dowry,THe curse in our Society."
Tell you a story .
There is uncle with a Name of Rafiq and I used to say him Chachoo Rafiq and he used to paint at homes.Once he was invited at home to paint some thing and i was also sitting there.I feel that Uncle was seeing near by refrigerator again and again.I ask that uncle,are you thirsty.If you need water or you are hungry i will cook for you.He said to me no son, I am seeing that what a amazing technology is this ?
After a Silence of 3 minutes ,He ask me how much cost of normal refrigerator.I ask him how much money you have uncle.He told me that every day I am earning 300 rupees and 50 rupees I am putting for my daughter dowry,But every day i am not getting work thatswhy earning is not so much and from last 2 years, I collect only 5000 rupees.He said ,My daughter is engaged and that family ask for refrigerator .
This Story always hurt me.
Please God (Allah) Sake , Say no to Dowry,Curse of our society.
Please after reading this please share this among the peoples that they will come to know about dowry .
This is a big curse.Please eliminate it.
Hope that you will join me in spreading this message.
Furqan Ali Khan.

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