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Sunday, March 3, 2013

174. Drug abusing in Pakistan.

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Today the Topic of my article is.

Drug Addiction in Pakistan.

 A painful fact of Pakistan that is drug addiction which like guns was also imported from Afghanistan. I remember once we use to talk a lot about drug addiction being a huge problem but since now the terrorism has held us in its spell we have have forgotten all about it.
Childrens are becoming involved in this addiction very easily and start from the teenage and the first cigrate make there life hell and the friends also responsible for that.
Parents who are smokers,Please try not to smoke infront of the childrens and donot show them the cigrattes also.Childrens start  stealing from there parents .and start smoking.
Tell you the Story  of one child which is as following.

“My parents smoked so stealing a fag now and then was no problem — and it gave me huge status with my school friends.”
By his teens he had found himself a bootlegger and had moved quickly from beer to hard liqueur. No wonder that now, in his thirties, his liver was shot to pieces and alcohol is a no-no.
Dope deal

A grade hashish Rs50,000/kg
B grade hashish Rs35,000/kg
A grade garda Rs80.000/kg
B grade garda Rs60,000/kg
A grade sheera Rs 120,000/kg
B grade sheera Rs 100,000/kg
A grade cocaine Rs 12,000/gram
A grade heroin Rs320,000/kg
Rates obtained from Peshawar market

As he talked, discreetly wipes his nose with a tissue every so often; the odd bloodstain on the tissue revealed the truth. He had an appointment with an ENT surgeon the next day for fixing his nosebleeds. One nostril at a time, he says, so he can continue snorting during recovery.

The guy with the BMW and the girl flaunting the Chanel bag followed him into the secluded comer and methodically rolled their currency notes to greet their only friend in the world: cocaine.

In the luxuries parties :

He said that his  friends are here for a coke fix and there’s something for everyone. From quail to caviar to cala-mari, shapely, twenty-something girls from Lahore, stylish transsexual bartenders, crystal bowls of punch for you to help yourself, cigars, and the choicest selection of guests including designers, models, businessmen, advertising gurus and VIPs. However, the one common denominator here was getting stoned, buzzed, high. It was a ‘bring your own drug’ (BYOD) party, but you could enjoy the luxury of drinking, smoking, snorting, shooting up on deck or in any of the luxurious salons indoor. Hash was on the house but coke and ecstasy were the latest ‘status symbols’. Beg, borrow, steal or kill, you had to have the pill or powder. Whatever your reason for popping pills or creasing powder was, you could keep that private but what you felt afterwards made a juicier discussion.

Euphoric, hallucinating, lying, confessing, dancing or dizzy, some wanted to be touched, others couldn’t stop laughing, one wanted to cry and while another was getting scared of monsters in the sea. Psychedelic music and lights, love, hate, secrets, kisses, hugs, slaps, melodrama, laughter, tears, proposals decent and indecent, business deals, date rape hushed but filmed, dope to burn, money to blow, the fun lasted till the wee hours of the morning. It was a beginning for some, an end for others so some left happy, some sad, some satiated, some wanting more, some cheated, some triumphant, others puked and drained, but all high and loving it.

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Furqan Ali Khan.

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