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Monday, October 15, 2012

Help them..........In your surrounding......They need you .

Only 1 Minute.
I have a humble request to all that spend ur time and money for there welfare.They need ur support a lot.Spread my post to every where that every one pray for them and also try to help them.
"In The Name Of ALLAH; The All-Beneficent, The All-Merciful"

O Allah, satisfy every hungry one,
O Allah, clothe every unclothed one,
O Allah, help every debtor pay his debts,
O Allah, relieve every distressed one,
O Allah release every prisoner,
O Allah, cure every sick one,
O Allah, ease our poverty by Your wealth,

Ya Allah (الله) Forgive Us ......... Ameen !!!

Plzzz Say Ameen .
Help them please.
Join me on my page on facebook also.
Furqan Ali Khan

1 comment:

thank you