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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"The Labour day..........Fake Society".

Only 1 Minute.
The Topic of my Article is
"The Labour day..........Fake Society."
Must Think..........
I was Sitting and Suddenly I think that every year we are celebrating a labour day on 1 May,Every one is aware of that holiday,But Still labour is becoming poor day by day.Why ?
After the hectic job done by him,he cannot afford 2 time bread for his family.
When he slept at night,he was worried about the next day that he will earn something for his family or not.
On Celebrating this day we are spending a million of dollars ,Speeches,Conferences,Plannings but still no result.
The Working hours is same but earning is specific and less.
In this day they talk on the right of Labours,but i didnot see any result of these rallies,conferences.
Have we ever think that why there is no result?
Answer is simple, We are same like a Fake societies, only to make fool these poor peoples and make there fun.
We are not eradicating poverty from the society,Motive is to eliminate poors from society by these fatal jokes on the name of May 1 (Labour day).
I want to ask to all that have we visited ever any labour house,his way of living.
The Answer is no,Because we are only interesting in organizing these conferences,rallies and other fake stuffs to show our sympathy with them.To show them that we care them a lot.We are showing them that we can do every thing for them but from inside we are more poisonous then Cobra.
These Hopes which we are giving every year to the labour is a slow poison for him.
At last with hard condition in his life,What he will do ?
He has only 1 option always,To kill his family and Suicide by himself because he think that dying every day worth not.
So with this strategy, These conferences etc are making there joke,at last they become psycho,
With this it is easy to eradicate poverty because poor has not option instead of suicide,so the motive of these all stuffs are fulfil.
Really a Shameful act,Shame on us and those who donot want to see the reality.
They have a money but they donot want to spend on poors.
Our Ulmas they are becoming worst creature on earth.
See there physical structure,Bulk  of fatty tissues ,they are having.
Instead of Guiding the peoples,They are discussing on politics and want to be a politician for the sake of power.
Shame on us.What a Fake society we are?
Well i used to say always that "We are jeolous from each other , we are becoming Fatal for the Society ".
I can also write a long article to show my intelligency,But i donot want to be the part of that fake society.
I hope that every one will see his surrounding and start helping them.
Lets Join me and raise a Voice against this brutality.
Whatever I wrote here is a Reality ?
I watch this closely and it really Hurts me.
Join me in Raising a Voice to help labour ,Poor peoples and try to give them a better future,
Furqan Ali Khan.
You can join me on my facebook page also.

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